New Pattern of SSC MTS 2016-17 Exam with important exam dates.
SSC MTS 2016-17 Exam has been cancelled officially by Selection Staff Commission. Exam was conducted in two shifts on 30th April and 14th May. Second shift paper of 30th April was cancelled and papers of both the shifts were leaked for 14th May. Further exams were to be conducted on 28th May 2017, 4th June 2017 and 11th June 2017. But SSC made an important announcement on 23rd May 2017 to cancel the SSC MTS 2016-17 Exam for all the dates which includes (30th April, 14th May, 28th May, 4th June and 11th June 2017). This is a shock for the aspirants as they have been preparing for the exam since many months. SSC has announced some changes in the exam pattern and has also announced the new examination dates of SSC MTS 2016-17 Exam.
New Examination Dates and Changes of SSC MTS 2016-17
Selection Staff Commission has announced the tentative dates of SSC MTS 2016-17 Exam which are September and October 2017. SSC is yet to announced the exact dates of MTS exam which will be updated on aimsuccess. SSC has also made an important change in SSC MTS 2016-17 exam that this year exam will be conducted in online mode. No offline paper will be conducted from this year onwards. This is a very important announcement and now aspirants should change their strategy of preparation. There is a huge difference in online and offline exam. Aspirants should buy an online test series which is also available on aimsuccess. Many of you do not have desktop/ laptop, you guys can go to cyber cafe and take help from there. It is also expected that SSC will follow the same pattern for SSC MTS exam which has been followed for SSC CGL exam. You people can go through the 2016 SSC CGL papers and practice them. This will give you an idea of online exam and how to attempt the paper. SSC will soon announce the exact format of SSC MTS 2016-17 exam but we can not just sit and wait for the notification. Start your preparation from today onwards. Meanwhile you can practice SSC MTS previous year papers. We have also shared the analysis and question paper of SSC MTS 2016-17 Exam which was conducted on 30th April and 14th May.
Strategy to follow for Online Examination of SSC MTS 2016-17
At this point of time a good online test series can help you a lot. Forget about the offline exam and do not get depressed. The reason for such a huge decision is because of paper leaking. Some corrupt people are playing with the future of students. They do not have value for time and money of aspirants.Online examination is for the benefits of deserving aspirants. We will be providing study notes and quizzes to help you follow the latest pattern of SSC MTS 2016-17.