Today we will discuss about the strategy to improve your score in RBI Grade B Exam 2017. Prelims phase of this exam will be conducted on 17th June 2017.
The official notification for RBI Grade B Direct Recruitment (DR) was released on May 3rd, as were the dates for General, the Department of Economics and Policy Research, or DEPR, and the Department of Statistics and Information Management, or DSIM. Make sure that you go through these tips, which will definitely help you score more in RBI Grade B Preliminary exam 2017.
The exam, as is known, is divided into three distinct phases- Phase I, which is the Prelims Exam, Phase II, which forms the Mains exam, and Phase III, the final Interview. Individual sections follow in detail, to focus on preparation for specific sections.
RBI Grade B Phase I Prelims Exam Pattern 2017
We have already discussed the detailed syllabus and exam pattern of RBI Grade B Officer exam. Make sure that you go through it to understand the pattern and structure of exam in a better way.
S. N. | Name of Subject | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks | Time Duration |
1 | General Awareness | 80 | 80 | Cumulative time of 02 hours |
2 | English Language | 30 | 30 | |
3 | Quantitative Aptitude | 30 | 30 | |
4 | Reasoning Ability | 60 | 60 | |
Total | 200 | 200 |
How to improve your score in RBI Grade B Exam 2017
General Awareness
- This consists of 80 questions sourced from public access contemporary knowledge, finances and economics, national policies and current news.
- These questions can be divided into specific areas such as Financial News and Banking Concepts, about technical Banking and Economics terms along with policies, regulations and laws.
- A thorough perusal of financial newspapers and journals of the past few months is crucial. Economic Times and Business Standard offer national and global perspectives.
- For your preparation, you can also follow our Daily GK Updates on a regular basis, as well as our series, Banking GK and Financial Awareness Quiz, which will help you prepare better.
- Other areas are classic GK and current affairs; questions on famous points of interest across the country are asked.
- Prominent National Parks, summits, cinema, politics, transport, alternate power generation, tourist and historical spots are important.
- Candidates can retain maximum information efficiently by framing their learning process as a quiz, instead of rote learning.
English Language
30 questions asked in this section are spread across four sections. These are-
- Reading Comprehension - 10 questions are provided on a financial and/or economic passage, so habitual reading of financial newspapers is helpful. Answers must be written keeping the question’s demands in mind at all times. Vocabulary questions on uncommon words in the passage are asked. Antonyms and synonyms should be familiarized, and the passage itself carefully read to determine the given word’s contextual meaning, and answer accordingly.
- Cloze Test - A passage is provided, with ten blanked out words. It needs meticulous reading. Sentences should be seen as one continuous passage with connecting tenses and participle forms. Articles need to be appropriately used when used with general/specific facts. Only few options for any given word can be correct so elimination is necessary to arrive at the answer. The passage’s style should be checked which can narrow down the choice of words.
- Para jumbles - In each question, five lines are ordered haphazardly that need to be arranged as a coherent paragraph. The options are usually redundant and can be confusing to candidates. The first line is one that clearly introduces a person or concept, and the rest follow that idea. Connectives such as ‘besides’, ‘if’, — any word that refers to previously mentioned entities cannot begin a starting sentence.
- Spotting Error - In spotting grammatical errors in any one of the four parts of a sentence, singular and plural nouns should be understood, such as ‘police’, ‘scissors’ etc. Gerunds and modals should be grasped as well, along with relative pronouns and the use of ‘whom’, ‘neither…nor/either…or’, ‘No sooner…than’, etc. Grammar can be refined through extensive reading of texts of Wren and Martin, and Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis.
Apart from this, you can also expect questions from Sentence Improvement, Para completion, Fillers etc.
Quantitative Aptitude
- In 30 questions, several types of problems are given, like number series, wherein the pattern of a series of seemingly random numbers needs to be identified.
- Commonalities need to be determined among numbers, like all even, odd, or prime numbers, perfect squares/cubes, or multi-pliable/divisible by a certain number.
- In Missing Data Interpretation (DI) questions, candidates need to be aware of percentage contributions.
- In Caselet DI questions, a block of text containing numerical information is given, so a table/graph will result in a faster solution.
- The substantial information should be noted down for easy reference.
- Candidates can revise chapters on Profit and Loss; Simple and Compound Interest; Ratio and Proportion; Speed, Distance and Time; Mean, Median, Mode, etc from the study notes available on our app for the remaining sundry questions.
Reasoning Ability
- This section has 60 questions on syllogisms, puzzles, Input Output, Data Sufficiency, among others.
- Associative relationships need to be understood for syllogisms as well as puzzles, and visualization along with logical elimination is necessary for linear arrangements.
- For Input Output problems, understanding chronology of words and numbers, as well as fixed positions of certain values, and mathematical operations based on unit or ten places is crucial.
- Coding and Decoding is another important part in this section for which rules of letter coding and substitution need to be grasped.
- Letters can be substituted for the very next letter or their own opposites, or substituted for their own position or even the contrary.
- Mixed letter and number coding requires logical elimination of possibilities until the solution is ascertained.
RBI Grade B Phase II Mains Exam Pattern 2017
S. No. | Name of Paper | Type of Paper | Maximum Marks | Time Allotted (in minutes) |
1 | Paper I- Economic and Social Issues | Objective Type | 100 | 90 |
2 | Paper II- English (Writing Skills) | Descriptive Type | 100 | 90 |
3 | Paper III- Finance and Management | Objective Type | 100 | 90 |
The second phase has three separate papers.
- For Paper I, fiscal policy, trade policies, Five-Year Plans, privatization, and organizations such as the World Trade Organization and the World Bank are important. It also centers around prevalent social issues. Cases of rape and assault across privileged and prejudiced sections of society, religious intolerance, gender bias, along with sustainable human development, political apparatus and various social protest movements are crucial. Reports such as the Human Development Report by the United Nations Development Programme help in preparing for this paper, as do books such as Indian Economy and Indian Polity by Ramesh Singh and M. Laxmikanth respectively, along with NCERT books on the same.
- Paper II is a descriptive paper focusing on determining the candidate’s writing skills. Multiple questions deal with bank-related tasks, like issuing circulars, drafting letters and committee reports to concerned parties such as subsidiary banks and commercial associations. Essay writing skills are tested through a 500-word essay on numerous social and economic topics. Candidates would do well to be familiar with social injustices, disease outbreaks, and longstanding economic issues, while developing a habit of writing long passages. A passage is also given, of which a précis is required. Essential points should be noted, and redundant points eliminated.
- Paper III focuses on Finance and Management. Finance deals with features of organizations such as Export-Import Bank of India (EXIM) and National Housing Bank (NHB) among others. Questions are also set on the Banking sector, the Union Budget, inflation, and alternative sources of finance. Management deals with responsibilities of management such as Organization, Staffing, Directing, Controlling, et al. Leadership, Motivation, and Communication’s theories and processes are focused upon. Human Resource Development is important as well. ISC Commerce by C.B. Gupta, along with books on organization behavior and management principles by T.N. Chhabra are recommended.
RBI Grade B Phase III Interview 2017
The final stage is the interview by the RBI panel, where you, the candidate, should remember to relax and be yourself. Be comfortable in your body language, and well-versed in basic economics/finance. A knowledge of current affairs would be helpful as well. Being genuine and understated works much better than insincere, glorified responses.
Make sure that you have a proper understanding of previous year cutoff of RBI Grade B Exam, so that you have a fair idea of the minimum number of safe attempts.
All the best for your exams..