10 Mistakes to avoid while preparing for SSC CGL Tier I Exam 2017
There are lot of mistakes students usually make while preparing for SSC CGL exam. Sometimes they do not schedule proper study plan, and sometime time management issue. However, these were just until we discussed with SSC CGL aspirants who shared their thoughts with us.
So, after a long discussion with successful candidates, we finally bring out the most common mistakes you must need to avoid if you want to be succeed in SSC CGL Tier 2017 in first attempt. Learn below how to avoid these mistakes.
Mistakes to avoid while preparing for SSC CGL Exam
1. Ignoring of technical aspects of Online Exam.
SSC has made this online pattern of exam recently. It has been seen that many candidates faced technical glitches at the time of CGL 2016 at various centers and some of the shifts were also cancelled due to the same. As there are only 60 minutes for 100 questions, even 2-3 minutes of delay due to software, computer accessories etc. may affect your score from 5-6 marks. So, learn properly, how computer accessories work.
2. Practicing offline.
Many candidates practice only offline. While practicing offline, candidates do not manage following points.
(i). Management of time limit.
(ii). Usage of extra rough sheets which are limited in online exam.
(iii). Transition time from one question to another question.
So, we suggest you practicing online to adapt yourself according to the online pattern.
3. Preparing for multiple exams at a time.
Candidates prepare for multiple exams like SSC / Banking and other exams. But each exam has different criteria, standard and pattern to assess candidates. So, do not prepare for multiple exams and try to focus only one exam.
4. Referring too much study material.
Many of the candidates put their efforts in referring many books and various online platforms for study material. When you prepare from lots of study material, you will get to know different patterns to solve questions. In the exam, candidates waste their time in deciding which tricks should they apply. It is better to concentrate on one book instead of referring thousands of books.
5. Too much or too low preference to individual section.
All sections of SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam has equal weight age (i.e. 50 marks), but candidates ignore to give equal preference to all subjects.
6. Ignorance of General Awareness.
Candidates do not much focus on General Awareness section because they think that General Awareness consists only 50 marks in SSC CGL Exam. But it is also important that it is the only subject in which you can fetch maximum marks in less time. So, do not try to ignore this section.
7. Relying only on short tricks
It has been seen that candidates depend only on short tricks to solve questions and they try to remember each and every short trick of questions but during exam hall. When the question is modified, they confuse themselves and not able to attempt the question. So, you should learn not only short tricks but also basics of that topic.
8. Not making short notes
Making short notes for General Studies and formulas of Quantitative Aptitude subject help you to revise easily before the exams in a little time. So, try to make short notes. Your short notes should be according to you considering your both weak and strong topics.
9. Getting emotional to any particular question.
In the exam, do not get stuck on any question. Move on to the next question which you can solve easily. Remember, your aim is to score maximum marks, so always attempt those questions first which you can solve in lesser time.
10. Avoiding revision.
As exam comes near, students get panic and waste their time in studying new things. We suggest you not to pick any new topic just before exams. Only revise those topics which you have already studied well.
All the Best !!!
Team Aimsuccess.in