SSC MTS 2017 - Last Minute Preparation & Time Management Tips
SSC MTS Tier I 2016-17 exam is going to be conducted on 30th April 2017 (tomorrow) in 2 slots. You've already studied a a lot for exam, still last minute preparation strategy & time management tips are key to crack SSC Multitasking MTS exam. So just a day of exam, we're sharing last minute tips that will surely help you attempt the exam in an appropriate manner. Have a look-
SSC MTS Last Minute Tips & How to Manage Time
There are 10 key points to be kept in mind while attempting your question paper.
1. Exam is offline (OMR based) so this is a plus point for all of you because you can attempt any section first in which you are more comfortable.
2. You need to carry a black ball point pen to fill the OMR sheet. If you are going to fill OMR for the first time then it will be better that you buy a sample OMR from market and just practice it once. Many students fill it in a wrong way and lose their marks.
Correct way of filling OMR is given below.Do not waste much time in filling the OMR sheet.
Once you answer the question then first fill OMR sheet and then move to another question. Some students fill OMR at the end and sometimes they fall short of time and are not able to fill OMR completely. Please take care of time and fill the OMR sheet before the time is over.
3. Questions will be asked from all the four sections English, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude and reasoning. The next challenge comes which section to attempt first and how much time to be given for each section?
Exam Pattern of SSC MTS 2016-17 is given below.
Maximum Marks
Total Duration/Timing for General Candidates
Total Duration/Timing for Visually Handicapped/Cerebral Palsy Candidates
General Intelligence & Reasoning (25 questions)
2 Hours
10:00 A.M. to 12.00 Noon
(No entry after 9.30 A.M.)
2.00 PM to 4.0 PM
(No entry after 1.30 PM)
2 Hours 40 Mins.
10:00 A.M. to 12.40 PM Noon
(No entry after 9.30 A.M.)
2.00 PM to 4.40 PM
(No entry after 1.30 PM)
Numerical Aptitude(25 questions)
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General English (50 Questions)
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General Awareness(50 Questions)
Total 120 minutes are given to attempt SSC MTS paper and those 120 minutes are going to decide your career so you cannot afford to waste even one second unnecessarily.
You can divide your time for each section like given in the below table.
No. of Questions
Time for each subject
General Intelligence & Reasoning
25 minutes
Numerical Aptitude
40 minutes
General English
30 minutes
General Awareness
25 minutes
4. Do not try to attempt full paper because there is a negative marking of .25 mark. Each right answer will fetch you +1 mark and each wrong answer will fetch you -.25 marks.
5. You can devote 5 minutes just to go through the paper so that you can analyse that which section will be best for you to attempt first. Always attempt your strongest section first to build your confidence.If you are not able to answer questions then also do not take tension and spoil your paper. Move to the another section and forget about the first one.
6. If you have any queries related to exam paper then just raise your hand and ask your invigilator. Do not hesitate.
7. Carry a small water bottle with you .If you feel nervous during the exam then take one sip of water and you will feel better.
8. Attempt atleast one mock test today so that you will get exact idea about the exam pattern.
9. Attempt Previous year paper of SSC MTS because there are chances of getting same questions in your paper as well.
10. Take proper sleep.You have to be attentive in your paper and you cannot afford to spoil it at any cost.
Download your SSC MTS 2017 Admit Card by clicking on the below link.
Download SSC MTS 2017 Admit Card
Important Point: Please share the exam feedback once your exam is over. We will be providing you answer key so that you will get idea of your score.
All the best!!!