Directions (Q. 1-10): Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.
Almost everywhere in Australia’s great cities, tourists are offered the aboriginal experience. The famous art galleries in Melbourne, Sydney and Perth have splendid collections of the aborigine art expressions. Aborigine art theatres display their distinct music and perfoming arts. Judging from the promotion programmes of the Australian tourism department, it is obvious that the aborigine experience sells. How far it is a gesture of atonement by the conquering White man towards the subjugated native is a question that came up from time to time. As the lights dim, we are overcome with expectancy and somewhat disappointed at first at the light-colouring of the performing aborigine who did not look very different from his all-White counterpart. Apparently, intermarriages have been so frequent that it is getting rarer to identify a full-blooded aborigine. However, they have various other ways to keep their culture alive. The more enterprising amongst them have formed themselves into groups to educate young Australians about aboriginal culture and history. As the Australian aborigines have no written language, this is probably the most effective way of learning and teaching their ancient cultural history. It was rather shocking to hear that the earlier colonial policies forbade the aborigines to teach their children their cultural history. The indigenous progress froze during those eras when the colonised nations were emotionally and intellectually subjugated.
Some rethinking and redefining of the cultural, historical influence has resulted in this surge of interest in the aborigine lifestyles in Australia. Today, the average white Australian is extremely conscious of the unfairness of the historical process and is hastily making amends (not withstanding some dissenters) by following a policy of encouragement and making visible, native arts and crafts. In these attempts, there is display of traditional art forms borrowed from different tribes-Song, dance and didgeridoo, which is actually a traditional instrument used by the tribes of north western Australia. This long pipe-like instrument is made from the wood of a small narrow-trunked tree called mallee, which, according to authentic sources, has to be half dead before it is cut down. The bottom and the sides are checked for termites, which render the wood hollow. After getting rid of the waste the exterior is painted with characteristic vibrant designs. Once it is over, the didgeridoo is thrown into the fire.
1. Why is the aborigine today not much different from his all-white counterpart?
1) He has not retained his naturalness.
2) He is usually of a mixed blood.
3) Whites are still more dominant than the aborigine.
4) Full-blooded aborigines are hard to come by in this modern age.
5) All of the above
2. How are the Australians trying to highlight the beauty and richness of the aboriginal culture?
1) It is being sold as a commodity in museums and art galleries.
2) The Austrialians have formed groups to teach the aborigines.
3) Aborigine history is being taught as school curriculum.
4) The native art and craft of the aborigines is being promoted on a large scale.
5) Many articles are being published by the Australians disregarding the voice of dissent.
3. What has repressed the aborigine culture?
1) The regressing colonial policies
2) The colonial subjugation
3) The aborigines have a mere dialect
4) The ineffectivity of oral history
5) None of these
4. What does the author mean by redefining of the culture?
1) To give a new definition to the Australians
2) To give a broader dimension to the aborigine culture and inheritance
3) The aborigine heritage needs to be focused upon.
4) The culture of a country must be highlighted.
5) None of these
5. Which word can substitute ‘subjugated’?
1) dominated
2) colonising
3) conquered
4) enslaved
5) ruled
6. What does the author mean by being “overcome with expectancy”?
1) He expected to see a full-blooded aborigine.
2) The dim lights added to the sense of drama.
3) He expected to see the aborigine culture in all its splendour.
4) He expected to see the aborigine and his all-white counterpart look alike.
5) All of the above
Directions (Q. 7-8): Choose the word that is most nearly the same in meaning as the word as used in the passage.
7. Atonement
1) compensation
2) attempt
3) repent
4) atonal
5) contempt
8. Surge
1) coming
2) awake
3) outset
4) inflow
5) gush
Directions (Q. 9-10): Select the word which is most nearly the opposite in meaning of the word as used in the passage.
9. Authentic
1) disapproving
2) feigned
3) fake
4) original
5) farce
10. Render
1) tender
2) done
3) undone
4) destroy
5) undo
- 2
- 4
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 3
- 5