What’s cricket?: On BCCI's Approach to Cricket
The last few months have been a chastening spell for the Board of Control for Cricket in India. The Justice R.M. Lodha reforms punctured the bubble of entitlements that some BCCI officials lived in. Even as the sport’s administrators struggled to come to terms with the diktats of the Supreme Court, a big shock wave has emanated from Dubai with the International Cricket Council voting overwhelmingly in favour of changes to its governance and revenue model. All that remains is a formal ratification at the ICC’s annual general body meeting in London in June. The decisions of the Dubai meeting effectively negate the BCCI’s ambitious move initiated by its then president, N. Srinivasan, in 2014. The proposal had envisaged a “Big Three” governance and revenue-sharing structure that co-opted Cricket Australia and the England and Wales Cricket Board. It offered a maximum of 21% of the ICC’s revenue share to the BCCI, contingent on the parent body earning $3.5 billion. It was mooted against the will of other cricket-playing nations, who are equally dedicated to the game and reluctantly resigned to playing second fiddle on account of their poor finances. In an ironic twist, it was an Indian who broke the monopoly mindset and set the wheels of change in motion. Continue Reading..... (the hindu)
1) Chasten (विनय करना) - Ch-a-sonMeaning - (of a reproof or misfortune) have a restraining or moderating effect on - Verb
Synonyms - subdue, deflate
Antonyms - aid, approve
Example - When I was a child, my parents would chasten me by taking all of my toys.
Synonyms - subdue, deflate
Antonyms - aid, approve
Example - When I was a child, my parents would chasten me by taking all of my toys.
2) Emanated (उत्पन्न हुआ) - Em-a-nate-edMeaning - (of a feeling, quality, or sensation) issue or spread out from (a source) - Verb
Synonyms - emerge, pour
Antonyms - conceal, keep
Example - The smells from a nearby bakery usually emanate into my apartment in the morning.
Synonyms - emerge, pour
Antonyms - conceal, keep
Example - The smells from a nearby bakery usually emanate into my apartment in the morning.
3) Envisaged (परिकल्पित) - In-viz-age-edMeaning - contemplate or conceive of as a possibility or a desirable future event - Verb
Synonyms - foresee, predict
Example - Train fare increases of 5% are envisaged for the next year.
Synonyms - foresee, predict
Example - Train fare increases of 5% are envisaged for the next year.
4) Reluctantly (अनिच्छा से) - Re-luck-tent-lyMeaning - in an unwilling and hesitant way - Adverb
Synonyms - unwillingly, hesitantly
Example - After losing the bet, the gambler was reluctant to give away his prized watch.
Synonyms - unwillingly, hesitantly
Example - After losing the bet, the gambler was reluctant to give away his prized watch.
5) Diaspora (प्रवासी) - Di-as-poraMeaning - the dispersion or spread of any people from their original homeland - Noun
Synonyms - dispersal, dissolution
Example - People from every country of the Diaspora now live in Israel.
Synonyms - dispersal, dissolution
Example - People from every country of the Diaspora now live in Israel.
6) Enfeeble (ढीला छोड़ना) - In-fee-balMeaning - make weak or feeble - Verb
Synonyms - deplete, diminish
Antonyms - allow, assist
Example - In California there was nothing new about enfeebled parties.
Synonyms - deplete, diminish
Antonyms - allow, assist
Example - In California there was nothing new about enfeebled parties.
7) Convulsed (ऐंठना) - Cun-valse-edMeaning - throw (a country) into violent social or political upheaval - Verb
Synonyms - torment, disturb
Antonyms - calm, order
Example - The opposing team were so convulsed with laughter that they almost forgot to hit the ball.
Synonyms - torment, disturb
Antonyms - calm, order
Example - The opposing team were so convulsed with laughter that they almost forgot to hit the ball.
8) Clout (ताकत) - Kla-utMeaning - influence or power, especially in politics or business - Nounhit (someone or something) hard - Verb
Synonyms - influence, power
Antonyms - collect, dehydrate
Example - The esteemed lawyer had a lot of clout in the court room.
Synonyms - influence, power
Antonyms - collect, dehydrate
Example - The esteemed lawyer had a lot of clout in the court room.
9) Prevaricate (छलकपट) - Pre-very-kateMeaning - speak or act in an evasive way - VerbSynonyms - con, distortAntonyms - confront, honestExample (English) - Tax companies simply must stop prevaricating and comply with the government ruling.Example (Hindi) - टैक्सी कंपनियों को टालमटोल बंद कर के सीधे सीधे सरकारी आदेश की पालना करनी चाहिए।
Now considering the article above as a Reading Comprehension question, try to answer the following -
- Suggest a new title to the article.
- Write a summary of this article.
Given below are some words to check your vocabulary you can make sentences with those words in the comment section which will be reviewed by us.
- Reforms
- Punctured
- Entitlements
- Overwhelmingly