SSC UDC, CPO, CISF, JE Exam Dates Out

SSC has published a notice regarding examination dates of various examination. Dates are given below:


The Commission successfully conducted the Limited Departmental Competitive Examination of UDC on 3rd December, 2016.

The Commission, would be conducting the SIs in Delhi Police/CPOs and ASIs in CISF Examination-2016 (Tier-II) on 18th December, 2016.

The JE Examination-2016 (Paper-I), which was tentatively scheduled to be held from 20.12.2016 to 23.12.2016, has been rescheduled due to administrative reasons and would now be held in the month of February 2017. The exact dates for JE Examination-2016 (Paper-I & Paper-II) would be intimated shortly.

The Combined Higher Secondary Level Examination-2016 (Tier-I) would be conducted by the Commission on the scheduled dates i.e. from 7th January, 2017 to 5th February, 2017.
Under Secretary (P&P-II) 
8th December, 2016   

To Download the Notice Click Here 

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