ENGLISH QUIZ Based on New Pattern (Spotting Errors)

Directions (Q. 1-5): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is ‘No error’, the answer is 5). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.)
1. 1) Farmers in Singur who had promised back / 2) their plots that had been acquired / 3) for the abandoned Tata Motors project / 4) are turning restive by the day. / 5) No error

2. 1) A European friend with whom I discussed the contexts, / 2) wanted to sea a translation of it / 3) and, during our spare moments, I hurriedly / 4) dictated and he took it up. / 5) No error

3. 1) I verily believe that / 2) whatever professor Gokhale does he does / 3) with pure motives and with a / 4) view to serve India. / 5) No error

4. 1) It is a bad habit to say that another / 2) man’s thoughts are bad and ours only are good / 3) and that those holding different views from us / 4) are the enemies of the country. / 5) No error

5. 1) Virginia Woolf grew up in a large and / 2) talented family, educating in her father’s / 3) magnificent library and / 4) meeting many men of letters. / 5) No error

6. She suddenly blurted 1) / on the secret 2) /she did not 3) / want to reveal. 4) / No error 5)

7. It is ironic that 1) / Pakistan still called a democracy 2) / with so much of debauchery perpetrated by 3) / their politicians, the media and the judiciary. 4) / No error 5)

8. He adjusted the brake 1) / to stop the car 2) / when he saw a pit 3) / in the middle of the road. 4) / No error 5)

9. Five-star hotels 1) / are very comfortable 2) / but I cannot afford 3) / the charges. 4) No error 5)

10. Former President of India 1) / Dr SD Sharma gifted 2) / his enormous collections of books 3) / to the Bhopal library. 4) / No error 5)

Answers with Explanation :-
  1. 1; Replace ‘had’ with ‘had been’
  2. 4; Replace ‘up’ with ‘down’
  3. 4; Replace ‘serve’ with ‘serving’
  4. 3; Replace ‘us’ with ‘ours’
  5. 2; Insert ‘herself’ after ‘educating’
  6. 2; Replace ‘on’ with ‘out’
  7. 2; Add ‘is’ before ‘still’
  8. 1; Replace ‘adjusted’ with ‘applied’
  9. 5
  10. 3; Replace ‘collections’ with collection’

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