Directions (Q.1-5):
Study the following information to answer the given questions. In a certain code language,
‘cool waves chilled weather’ is written as ‘ti chi su pic’,
‘January is cool month’ is written as ‘ro mo su da’,
‘lovely month chilled season’ is written as ‘mo pic ki nic’ and
‘December is cool season’ is written as ‘su nic ro ne’.
‘January is cool month’ is written as ‘ro mo su da’,
‘lovely month chilled season’ is written as ‘mo pic ki nic’ and
‘December is cool season’ is written as ‘su nic ro ne’.
1. What is the code for ‘weather’?
1) pic
2) su
3) chi
4) ti
5) Can’t be determined
2. What does ‘da’ stand for?
1) cool
2) is
3) January
4) month
5) Can’t be determined
3. Which of the following is the code for ‘chilled December’?
1) ro pic
2) nic su
3) pic nic
4) ne pic
5) nic ne
4. ‘ki su ro’ is the code for
1) cool lovely season
2) lovely chilled month
3) cool waves is
4) cool is lovely
5) None of these
5. Which of the following may be the code for ‘dense fog lovely weather’?
1) mo ki su ti
2) ye chi ti su
3) zo ki wo ti
4) zo su ti mo
5) None of these
Directions (Q. 6-10):
Read the following information to answer the given questions. In a certain code language, ‘India will lose test series’ is written as ‘mo ra tic da su’, ‘Australia will be champion’ is written as ‘dic da phi cha’, ‘Australia win the series’ is written as ‘pa phi mo ki’, ‘India must win’ is written as ‘la ki tic’ and ‘test champion’ is written as ‘dic ra’.
6. What is the code for ‘lose’?
1) mo
2) ra
3) tic
4) su
5) da
7. What does ‘be’ stand for?
1) phi
2) mo
3) dic
4) cha
5) Can’t be determined
8. Which of the following is the code for ‘Australia must test’?
1) ra la cha
2) phi la ra
3) la phi dic
4) phi dic ra
5) None of these
9. ‘ki ra tic’ could be a code for which of the following?
1) India win series
2) India must lose
3) India win test
4) must be win
5) None of these
10. Which of the following represents ‘Australia never lose series’?
1) su phi go cha
2) phi su go mo
3) su da mo na
4) phi cha go ki
5) None of these
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 4
- 3
- 4
- 4
- 2
- 3
- 2