Questions Asked in SBI Clerk Prelims Exam 23rd June 2018 (ALL SLOTS)

Questions Asked in SBI Clerk Prelims Exam 23rd June 2018 (ALL SLOTS)

Questions Asked in SBI Clerk Prelims Exam 23rd June 2018

Dear Readers as we now the State Bank of India's SBI Clerk Prelims Exam has started from today i.e, 23rd June 2018 and will continue in three different days and Daily 04 slots from 23rd, 24th & 30th June 2018 across the country at various centers. In this article we are going to provide you with SBI Clerk Prelims Questions Asked 23rd June 2018 for All Shifts. Go through the Questions Asked in SBI Clerk Prelims Exam 23rd June 2018  to understand the SBI Clerk Prelims difficulty level in all the 4 slots on 23rd June 2018. 

Get to know the section wise questions asked in SBI Clerk Prelims 2018 to check out the trend and prepare for yourself well.

Questions Asked in SBI Clerk Prelims Exam 23rd June 2018 - 1st Shift

English Language Questions Asked in SBI Clerk Prelims 

1. Antonym of BELITTLE
  1. a. Criticize
  2. b. Flatter
  3. c. Exaggerate
  4. d. Adore
2. Antonym of FLAGITIOUS.
3. Reading Comprehension based on Based on Economy
4. Rearrangement
Who would pay for the vicissitudes?
From the coming plight of consumer?
Indian policy makers should draw the lesson
Of the market where content is allowed to combine freely

Quantitative Aptitude Questions Asked in SBI Clerk Prelims 

1. Number Series Queston asked

  1. 3, 16.5, 75.5, 303, ?, 3184.25
  2. 3, 7, 12, 10, 11, 12, 17, ?
  3. 6, 14, 36, 98, 276, ?
  4. 1, 244, 163, 190, 181, ?
  5. 18, 8, 96, 23, ?
2. DATA Interpretation  Question Asked
Direction: Study the following Pie-chart carefully to answer these questions.
Total Students = 6500
  1. What is the value of half of the difference between the number of students in MBA and MBBS?
  2. How much more percentage (approximately) of students are in MBA as compared to students in B.Ed.?
  3. What is the total number of students in B.Ed., Pharmacy and MBBS together?
  4. What is the respective ratio between the number of students in Pharmacy and the number of students in B.Tech?
Other Questions
  1. In an election, there is total 10000 vote. 75% were valid votes & winner candidate win by 2250 vote. The runner-up gets 18% then how many votes do a winner get?
  2. √441 – √121 = √x

Reasoning Aptitude  Questions Asked in SBI Clerk Prelims 

(Direction 1-3) In each of the following problems, there is one question and three statements I, II and III given below the question. You have to decide whether the date given in the statements is sufficient to answer the question. Read all the statements is sufficient to answer the question. Read all the statements carefully and find which of the statements is/are sufficient to answer the given question. Choose the correct alternative in each question.

1. A is in which direction with respect to B?
I. C is to the North of D who is to the West of B.
II. A is to the west of C.
III. A is to the North-east of D.
(a) Only I and II
(b) Only III
(c) Any two of the three
(d) Only I and III
(e) Only I

2. How is ‘DATE’ written in the code language?
I. DEAR is written as $ #@? In that code.
II. TREAT is written as %?#@%in that code.
III. TEAR is written as %#@? In that code.
(a) Only I and II
(b) Only II and III
(c) All I, II and IIII
(d) Only I and either II or III
(e) None of these

3. How is M related to N
I. L is the only daughter of S, who is the only brother of his sister.
II. T is the daughter of U, Who has two sons S and N.
III. T is the daughter of M, Who is the mother of L.
(a) Only I and II
(b) Only II and III
(c) All I, II and III
(d) I, II and III together are not sufficient
(e) None of these

Directions (4 to 8): The following questions are based on the five, three-digit numbers given below :
745 318 230 846 965
4. If in each number, all the three digits are arranged in descending order within the number, which of the following will be the fourth highest number?
(a) 745 
(b) 230
(c) 965
(d) 318 
(e) None of these

5. If second and third digits are interchanged in every number then what will be the difference of second digit of third number from the left and first digit of second number from the right.

6. If all the number arranged ascending order from left to right then what will be the sum of digits of second number from right.

7. If 1 is subtracted from every odd digit and 2 is added to every even digit then which number will become second highest.

8. Find the difference b/w the square of second digit of first number from right and Cube of second digit of second number from left.

9. How many meaningful English words can be formed by using each letter once. P, C, A, E.

Directions (10-14): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:

Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people each, in such a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row-1 L, M, N, O, P and Q are seated and all of them are facing South. In row-2 A, B, C, D, E and F are seated and all of them are facing north.
Therefore, in the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member of the other row. O sits third to right of M. Either O or M sits at an extreme end of the line. The one who faces M sits second to right of E. Two people sit between B and F. Neither B nor F sits at an extreme end of the line.
The immediate neighbor of B faces the person who sits third to left of L. N and P are immediate neighbors of each other. C sits second to the left of A. P does not face the immediate neighbor of D.

10. Who amongst the following sit at extreme ends of the rows?
(A) O, D 
(B) M, A
(C) Q, C
(D) L, D
(E) M, F

11. How many persons are seated between Q and N?
(A) One 
(B) Two
(C) Three 
(D) Four
(E) None

12. L is related to A in the same way as O is related to B based on the given arrangement. To which of the following is P related to, following the same pattern?
(A) C 
(B) D
(C) E 
(D) F
(E)Cannot be determined

13. Which of the following is true regarding P?
(A) F faces P
(B) Q is an immediate neighbour of P
(C) F faces the one who is second to right of P
(D) P sits at one of the extreme ends of the line
(E) M sits second to the right of P

14. Four of the following have are alike in a certain way based on the given arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
(A) A-P 
(B) B-P
(C) F-L 
(D) C-Q
(E) E-M

Directions (15-19): Study the information and answer the given questions:
There are eight boxes viz. A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H. All the box are arranged from top to bottom.
There are four box between C and H. There are two box between H and A. There are three box between A and F.
There are two box between F and B. There is only one box between B and D. The box D is not placed immediately above or immediately below the F. There are gap of two box between E and G. The box E is placed one of the above on H but not on the top.

15. Which of the following box is at the bottom? 
(A) G
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
(E) E
16. Which of the following box is immediately above the D?
(A) B
(B) E
(C) H
(D) C
(E) A
17. How many boxes are placed between the box D and H ?
(A) Four
(B) Three
(C) Two
(D) One
(E) None of these
18. How many boxes are placed below the box E?
(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) No one.
(E) Four
19. If C is related to B and A is related to H in certain way, then D is related to ?
(A) B 
(B) E
(C) H 
(D) C
(E) A

Questions Asked in SBI Clerk Prelims Exam 23rd June 2018 - 2nd Shift

English Language Questions Asked in SBI Clerk Prelims 

  1. Reading Comprehension was on company & employee, it was story based.
  2. Cloze Test was story based.
  3. ABCD based Errors Questions
  4. Grammar based single fillers.

Quantitative Aptitude Questions Asked in SBI Clerk Prelims 

Number Series Questions Asked:
  1. 458, 224, 112, 23, 22.5
  2. 12, 7, 8, 13, 27, ?
  3. 2, 17, 30, 41, ?
  4. 10, 17, 27, 42, ?
  5. 101, ?, 90, 126, 79, 134
Other Questions
  1. The area of a rectangle and the ratio of the perimeter is 35: 8, what is the length of the rectangle so that the rectangle width is 15 cm?
  2.  The area of a rectangle and the ratio of the perimeter is 35: 8, what is the length of the rectangle so that the rectangle width is 15 cm?
  3.  In an election, there is total 10000 vote. 75% were valid votes & winner candidate win by 2250 vote. The runner-up gets 18% then how many votes do a winner get?
  4. The average age of A, B, and C is 22 years. 3 years ago the average age of b,c is 18 years. Find the age of A, 9 years hence.
  5. The ratio of the boat in still water and speed of the stream is 8:1. Downstream 267.5 in 2.5 hours. What is the upstream?

Reasoning Aptitude  Questions Asked in SBI Clerk Prelims 

  1. Arrangement was month and circular based.
  2. Random arrangement Puzzle – Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people each in such a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1- A, D, E, K, S and T are sitting and all of them are facing South. In row 2- B, F, C, G, L and H are sitting and all of them are facing North. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement, each member of a row faces another member of the other row. G sits third to the left of H. A faces G and G doesn’t sit at any extreme ends of the line. K sits third to the left of E. C faces D. The one facing D, sits third to the right of B. S and B do not sit at the extreme ends of the line. G is not an immediate neighbour of L and E is not an immediate neighbor of A.

Questions Asked in SBI Clerk Prelims Exam 23rd June 2018 - 3rd Shift

English Language Questions Asked in SBI Clerk Prelims 

  1. Reading Comprehension was Human Psychology, Discovering Self, Brain Injury.
  2. Error Spotting: A,B,C,D type 
  3. Antonym of BROKEN

Quantitative Aptitude Questions Asked in SBI Clerk Prelims 

  1. Number Series – 12, 12, 36, 180, ?, 11340
    458, 228, 112, 53, ?
    7 14 40 108 ? __
    12 12 36 180 ? 11340
    12, 7, 8, 13, 27, ?
    2, 17, 30, 41, ?
    10, 17, 27, 42, ?
    101, ?, 90, 126, 79, 134
    16 86 149 205 ?
    3 4 9 32 ? 924
    12 12 36 180 ? 11340
    6 7.2 8.7 10.8 14.1 ?
    7 14 40 103 227 ?
  2. Simplification – 3 + 2^2 + 5^3 = X -40
    2210 ÷11 + 9 = X × √49
    92.91 % X = 72% 400 + 18% of 256 – 140
    26.06^2 -24.92^2-100 = 12 % of X
  3. Rajiv sold an item to Richa at 17% profit. Richa further sold this item to Shivani at a profit of 9%. Shivani sold the item to Chetna at 5% loss. Find the total profit earned?

Reasoning Aptitude  Questions Asked in SBI Clerk Prelims 

1. Tricky Block Puzzles – U,V

2. Chinese Coding & Decoding

3. Find the next term in series ? --1, 3, 5, 7, 2, 4 6, 3, 5,7,2,4, 5,7,2,?a) 2
b) 4
c) 6
d) 7
e) 1

4. Sushmita remember that her birthday falls between April and October. Zahida remember that sushmita birthday falls between April and July. When exactly do you thing Sushmita’s birthday is?a) either June or July
b) June
c) July
d) Either may or June
e) May

Questions Asked in SBI Clerk Prelims Exam 23rd June 2018 - 4th Shift

English Language Questions Asked in SBI Clerk Prelims 

  1. Sentence Rearrangemnt
  2. Vocabulary questions
  3. Fill in the Blanks
  4. Sentence Rearrangemnt
  5. Reading Comprehension

        Quantitative Aptitude Questions Asked in SBI Clerk Prelims 

        1. To be updated
        SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 23rd June 2018: 4rd Slot

        Reasoning Aptitude  Questions Asked in SBI Clerk Prelims 

        1. To be updated

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