Tips and Tricks for IDBI Assistant Manager Exam 2016-17

IDBI Assistant Manager Exam 2016-17 is tentatively scheduled for 3rd February 2017. With less than 3 weeks left for IDBI Assistant Manager Exam, we are going to share some important tips that will help you score better in this exam.

Name of Test
No. of Questions
Maximum Marks
Reasoning Ability
Composite time of 2 hours
English Language
Quantitative Aptitude
General Awareness (with special reference to Banking)


Sectional Time Division -

Since composite time has been provided for all the sections, it is essential that you divide your time smartly among different sections. This is imperative to clear the Sectional as well as Overall Cutoff. You can follow the undermentioned time division for your exam. Try to practice different sections within that time frame.

Name of Test
Time to be allotted
Reasoning Ability
35 minutes
English Language
20 - 25 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude
40 minutes
General Awareness (with special reference to Banking)
15 - 20 minutes

This time division is for reference purpose. You may vary time for different sections depending upon your strong and weak areas.

Week Wise Sectional Strategy

Since you still have more than 2 weeks for this exam, try to revise your topics thoroughly first. You can frame a proper time division for this purpose by defining different topics for different days. But make sure that you attempt quizzes or mock tests as well.
Since time hasn’t been allocated sectionally, you will have to take utmost care of time management. Besides this, Speed and Accuracy will also play important role in this exam.

Reasoning Ability

50 questions will be asked from this section. Try to thoroughly practice following topics -
  • Syllogism
  • Inequality
  • Alphanumeric Series
  • Miscellaneous Topics (Blood Relations, Direction sense, Ranking etc.)
  • Coding - Decoding
  • Seating Arrangement & Puzzles
Above mentioned topics have high probability of being asked in the exam. While preparing these topics, keep in mind the following -
  • Make sure that you practice Coding - Decoding and Syllogism questions based on new pattern as well. You can attempt quizzes for these topics based on new pattern from the links below -

Quiz on Coding - Decoding (New Pattern) 

Quiz on Syllogism (New Pattern)

  • Practice Inequality of both patterns i.e. coded as well normal.
  • Thoroughly practice both seating arrangements and puzzles since maximum question in reasoning ability section will be asked from these topics. Make sure you consider all possible scenarios while practicing.

Quantitative Aptitude

50 questions will be asked from this section. Make sure you thoroughly practice under mentioned topics -
Maximum questions in this section will be asked from these topics. Besides that 5-10 questions might be asked from Miscellaneous section as well. While practicing, keep in mind following things -
  • Number series are usually less time consuming if practiced well. So thoroughly practice this topic because there are certain fixed set of patterns based on which number series questions are asked.
  • Have a thorough practice of averages, ratios and percentages because questions in data interpretation will be based on these topics.
  • Work on your calculations properly, because this is vital to score well in this section.
  • Use approximate values in Simplification/ Approximation questions rather than exact values.

English Language

This section will comprise of 50 questions. Questions in this section will be asked from following topics -

While preparing this section, keep following things in mind -

  • Questions from Reading Comprehension and Cloze Test are most likely to be based on Economy. So, try to read at least 2-3 such articles regularly. This will also help you with your vocabulary.
  • For this, you can also go through our section, ‘Shape up your Vocabulary from Newspaper Wordlist’, where we not only provide you an article from newspaper but also difficult words as well as question that may be framed in form of RC.
  • Thoroughly practice Spotting Errors and Cloze Test. For Spotting Errors, try to have a clear idea of the grammar rules. You can also go through the link below for this -

GrammarRules for spotting errors

  • Pattern of Para Jumbles was also changed this year, so it would be better to practice questions based on new pattern as well. You  can go through the link below to practice parajumbles question based on new pattern -

Quiz on Para Jumbles(New Pattern)  

Try to practice as many mock tests as you can. This will help you get in the flow of exam pattern and will also familiarize you with the exam interface.

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