English Vocabulary Tricks : Root words with Pronunciation

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Here we are providing you 65 English Vocabulary Words : Root words with Pronunciation which will help you to understand how words are form and how they are used.
  1. ANEMIA (uh NEE mee uh) [ an-, without + -emia, blood condition ] abnormal decrease in red blood cells
  2. ANESTHESIA (an’ es THEE zhuh) [ an-, without + esthes, feeling + -ia ] loss of sensibility to pain and other sensations
  3. ANALGESIA (an’ l JEE zee uh) [ an-, without + alg, pain + -ia ] absence of sensibility to pain
  4. ATHEIST (AY thee ist) [ a-, not + the, God + -ist ] one who believes there is no God
  5. ATOM (AT um) [ a-, not + tom, to cut ] smallest component of an element having all the properties of the element
  6. IMMORTAL (ih MORT l) [ im-, not + mort, dead + -al ] 1.not subject to death 2.living forever
  7. IMPROVISE (IM proh veyez’) [ im-, not + pro-, before + vis, to see ] compose, sing, or recite without preparation
  8. INCREDIBLE (in KRED uh bul) [ in-, not + cred, believe + -ible ] 1.not believable 2.amazing
  9. INNOCUOUS (ih NOK yoo us) [ in-, not + noc, harmful + -ous ] not harmful
  10. INSOMNIA (in SOM nee uh) [ in-, not + somni, sleep + -ia ] inability to sleep
  11. IRREVOCABLE (ihr REV uh kuh bul) [ ir-, not + re-, back + voc, to call + -able ] not able to be called back or undone Final
  12. ACRONYM (AK ruh nim’) [ acro, high + onym, name ] word formed from the first letter from each word of a series.
  13. ACROPHOBIA (ak’ ruh FOH bee uh) [ acro, high + -phobia, fear ] fear of heights
  14. AERODYNAMICS (ehr’ oh deye NAM iks) [ aero-, air + dynam, power + -ics, study of ] study of the motion of air
  15. PEDAGOGY (PED uh goh’ jee) [ ped, child + agog, teacher + -y ] science of teaching
  16. AGRICULTURE (AG rih kul’ chur) [ agri, crop production & culture ] science of crop production and livestock management.
  17. NOSTALGIA (nos TAL juh) [ Grk -> nostos, return home + alg, pain + -ia ] 1.homesickness 2.a painful longing for the past
  18. AMPHIBIOUS (am FIB ee us) [ amphi-, both + bio, life + -ous ] 1.live in water and on land 2.operate in water and on land
  19. ANATOMY (uh NAT uh mee) [ ana-, up + -tomy, to cut ] 1.the structural makeup of a plant or animal 2.dissection of a plant or animal
  20. CATASTROPHE (kuh TAS truh fee) [ cata-, down + Grk -> strophe, turning ] widespread disaster
  21. MISANDRY (MIS an’ dree) [ mis, hate + andr, man + -y ] hatred of men
  22. MISOGYNY (mih SOJ uh nee) [ miso, hate + gym, woman + -y ] hatred of women
  23. ANTHROPOLOGY (an’ thruh POL uh jee) [ anthrop, man + -ology, study of ] study of the origin, distribution, and development of man
  24. ANTEBELLUM (an’ tee BEL um) [ ante-, before + bell, war + -um ] existing before a war, specifically before the American Civil War
  25. POSTSCRIPT (POHST skript) [ post-, after + script, to write ] paragraph appended below the signature as an afterthought P.S.
  26.  PROCEED (proh SEED) [ pro-, forward + ceed, to go ] go forward Advance
  27. PROGRESS (PROG res) [ pro-, forward + gress, to go ] 1.gradual improvement (noun) 2.moving forward (verb)
  28. FLORIST (FLOR ist) [ flor, flower + -ist ] seller of flowers
  29. AQUARIUM (uh KWEHR ee um) [ aqua, water + -arium, a place for ] place for keeping aquatic animals and plants
  30. DEHYDRATE (dee HEYE drayt’) [ de-, remove + hydr, water + -ate ] remove water from
  31. ANARCHY (AN ur kee) [ an-, without + arch, rule + -y ] absence of government
  32. DEMOCRACY (dih MOK ruh see) [ demo, people + -cracy, government ] government by the people
  33. PROTOTYPE (PROHT uh teyep’) [ proto-, first & type ] original model
  34. PALEOGRAPHY (pay’ lee OG ruh fee) [ paleo, ancient + -graphy, writing ] study of ancient writing
  35. ARBOR DAY (AHR bur day) [ arbor, tree & day ] spring holiday for planting trees
  36. RHODODENDRON (roh’ duh DEN drun) [ rhodo, red + dendr, tree + -on ] trees with pink and purple flowers
  37. SANITARIUM (san’ ih TEHR ee um) [ Ltn-> sanare, cure + -arium, a place for ] institution for the treatment of chronic diseases
  38. ARTHRITIS (ahr THREYE tis) [ arthr, joint + -itis, inflammation ] inflammation of a joint
  39.  OSTEOARTHRITIS (os’ tee oh’ ahr THREYE tis) [ osteo, bone + arthr, joint + -itis, inflammation ] inflammation caused by degeneration of the cartilage in joints
  40. ASTROLOGY (uh STROL uh jee) [ astro, star + -logy, study of ] study of the connection between heavenly bodies and human affairs
  41. DISASTER (dih ZAS ter) [ dis-, negative + aster, star ] widespread damage named from the belief that these events are caused by an unfavorable aspect of the stars or planets
  42. AUTOGRAPH (AWT uh graf’) [ auto-, self + graph, written ] written with one’s own hand
  43. EGOCENTRIC (ee’ goh SEN trik) [ ego-, self + centr, center + -ic ] self-centered
  44. AVIATION (ay’ vee AY shun) [ avi, bird + -ation ] art of operating aircraft
  45. ORNITHOLOGY (or’ nuh THOL uh jee) [ ornith, bird + -ology, study of ] study of birds
  46. ABAXIAL (ab AK see ul) [ ab-, away + ax, axis + -ial ] away from the axis
  47. BARIATRICS (behr’ ee AT riks) [ bar, weight + iatr, healing + -ics, study of ] study and treatment of obesity
  48. ISOBAR (EYE suh bahr’) [ iso-, equal + bar, pressure ] line on a map connecting points of equal barometric pressure
  49. REBELLION (rih BEL yun) [ re-, against + bell, war + -ion ] armed resistance against an existing government
  50. BENEVOLENT (buh NEV uh lent) [ bene-, good + vol, to wish + -ent ] showing good will
  51. MALEVOLENT (muh LEV uh lent) [ mal-, evil + vol, to wish + -ent ] wishing harm or evil on another
  52.  EULOGY (YOO luh jee) [ eu-, good + log, discourse + -ia ] formal speech praising a recently deceased person
  53. DYSLEXIA (dis LEK see uh) [ dys-, bad + lex, reading + -ia ] impairment of the ability to read
  54. BIBLIOGRAPHY (bib’ lee OG ruh fee) [ biblio, book + -graphg, writing ] 1. list of writings 2. list of sources BIOLOGY (beye OL uh jee) [ bio, life + -logy, study of ] study of living organisms and life processes
  55. BIOPSY (BEYE op’ see) [ bio, life + -opsy, inspection ] removal of living tissue for examination
  56. REVIVE (rih VEYEV) [ re-, again + viv, live ] bring back to life
  57. LEUKOCYTE (LOO kuh seyet’) [ leuko, white + -cyte, cell ] white blood cell
  58. CARDIAC (KAHR dee ak’) [ cardi, heart + -ac ] pertaining to the heart
  59. CARNIVORE (KAHR nuh vor’) [ carni, flesh + vor, to eat ] flesh-eating mammal
  60. HOLOCAUST (HOL uh kost’) [ holo, whole + caust, to burn ] devastation, especially by fire
  61. PRECEDE (prih SEED) [ pre-, before + cede, to go ] go before
  62. BICENTENNIAL (beye’ sen TEN ee ul) [ bi-, two + cent, hundred + enn, years + -ial ] occurring once every two hundred years
  63. CENTRAL (SEN trul) [ centr, center + -al ] located at or near the center
  64. CEREBRAL (suh REE brul) [ cerebr, brain + -al ] 1. pertaining to the brain 2. intellectual
  65. CRANIAL (KRAY nee ul) [ crani, skull + -al ] pertaining to the skull

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